Tuesday, November 25, 2008

stage 7 (gay marriage)

On Election Day all 30 states which voted on the gay marriage ban supported the ban. Even though Obama is a progressive liberal, which in general support gay rights, the vast majority of his supporters voted for the ban to pass. I think this is good. I personally do not agree with gay marriage. Children who are raised by gay parents face hardships that children with strait parents don’t. Some include being ridiculed and mistreated by others, which potentially can have long term effects, also children may either lack a father figure or mother figure depending on if it is two men or women that are married. Children need both a maternal and paternal influence to be healthy. I have no problem with gay people living together and being together, but when marriage and children become involved then I have a problem. One other claim that I cannot stand is that gay people are the way they are because of genetics. There are no genes that determine one’s orientation. Every person that I have met that is gay has been able to explain to me why they are gay. Not one of them said they were born that way or that they didn’t know why. In fact, every one of them had a story and very profound reasons why. I don’t necessarily agree with the choices they have made, but I do not hate them for it. Being gay is a choice people make for whatever reason and all choices have consequences. One consequence in my opinion should be that gay people cannot be married, for the reasons I have stated above.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

editorial comment (stage6)

I have to disagree about the Electoral College being changed or “updated”. I also disagree that the constitution needs to be rewritten to reflect modern times. The Electoral College was made a long time ago, but why change something that works. Also it would be unrealistic to get rid of the Electoral College because the smaller states, which the system helps out, would not want to change. So why spend a lot of time trying to convince many small states to change when we have a system that works. The Constitution was written for the purpose to be interpreted, also we have a system of being able to change or make amendments. Why don’t we just use the system that is already there to make changes instead of rewriting the whole document where there is potential harm. If we started to rewrite the Constitution what would stop special interest groups trying to put in stuff promoting their group over other people. I am not opposed to making any changes at all; I just feel that the Constitution should be left alone unless it is being amended, not rewritten.