Tuesday, November 25, 2008

stage 7 (gay marriage)

On Election Day all 30 states which voted on the gay marriage ban supported the ban. Even though Obama is a progressive liberal, which in general support gay rights, the vast majority of his supporters voted for the ban to pass. I think this is good. I personally do not agree with gay marriage. Children who are raised by gay parents face hardships that children with strait parents don’t. Some include being ridiculed and mistreated by others, which potentially can have long term effects, also children may either lack a father figure or mother figure depending on if it is two men or women that are married. Children need both a maternal and paternal influence to be healthy. I have no problem with gay people living together and being together, but when marriage and children become involved then I have a problem. One other claim that I cannot stand is that gay people are the way they are because of genetics. There are no genes that determine one’s orientation. Every person that I have met that is gay has been able to explain to me why they are gay. Not one of them said they were born that way or that they didn’t know why. In fact, every one of them had a story and very profound reasons why. I don’t necessarily agree with the choices they have made, but I do not hate them for it. Being gay is a choice people make for whatever reason and all choices have consequences. One consequence in my opinion should be that gay people cannot be married, for the reasons I have stated above.


A Ryan said...

There are several points brought up regarding gay marriage and more specifically gay couples raising children that I don’t really agree with.
The first point that I disagree with is that children raised by gay parents will face hardships that children with heterosexual parents won’t. Yes I agree that children with homosexual parents could potentially face ridicule by other children, however I do not think there is a single child who hasn’t been made fun of at least once in their life. Another element to your argument that I disagree with is that “children need both a maternal and paternal influence to be healthy.” Many children, for whatever reason, are raise every year that have only one parent and therefore lack either a fatherly or motherly figure in their lives. I think I would be safe to say that many of these children live fairly “healthy” lives. President elect Barack Obama was raise by his single mother and grandmother, two individuals of the same sex, and he seems to have turned out rather “healthy.”
All in all I do not see any legitimate reason why a gay couple should not be allowed to be married. I believe the issue you brought up of gay couples raising children holds no ground. It is my view that any child raised in a loving, caring, and structured environment will be of sound mind and behavior regardless of whether a single parent, heterosexual couple, or homosexual couple, cares for them.

Brad Allen said...

I feel I have no choice to disagree with this post. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion regarding homosexual marriage and child raising, but his or her reasoning about the effects on children is nothing more than an un-educated guess unless they have exerienced it firsthand. Yes, one could guess that a child raised by a homosexual may have issues concerning a lack of either a maternal or paternal inlfuence.

However it is absolutely impossible to say what WILL happen to a child in those conditions. If proof is needed, then please allow me to present myself as such. My parents divorced when I was three years old for various reasons, one being that my father was not heterosexual. As a result, I was raised in what could be called a "homosexual household."

As I grew up, I was able to see the picture much more clearly. Still, I was raised with an indescribable love and was extremely protected, and I could never in my life say I was negatively affected. I am twenty-four years old and straight as an arrow. I play music, sports, read, draw, participate in my community, and judge absolutely noone's character on the basis of their sexual orientation. I am just fine.

Being fit for parenthood has nothing, I must repeat, NOTHING to do with sexual orientation. I consider myself one of the luckiest people in the world to have a life such as mine and to learn so much about the goodness in people. I can easily say that many people with straight parents, whether married or divorced, are raised in much more volatile homes than myself and others like me. So please, consider this in your opinion and be well.

Adkins0790 said...

Not bad man.

I've got an opinion here, and may I first say that I have nothing against gays/homosexuals or the PC term "homosexual community." My good friend was indeed raised normally with a natural father and mother, however by the time he was 17, his father realized he was not attracted to his mother, but other men. He left wife for another man and life moves on(details may have been excluded).

First, why does a gay couple need/want to be married? Emotionally, the couple wants to excel their relationship to the next/final level, which is marriage, and live out life devoted to each other under the oath of law, and ultimately, God. Legally, there is not much to be needed, besides proof of unity/devotion/"marriage" itself. In all sense of legal terms of a couple(gay or straight), there is no difference between being married or at least living together under mutual funds. All of your credit cards, bank accounts, loans, insurances, phone bills, and all that good stuff can be done under a single name, whether it be a last name shared through marriage or an individual of the couple, and has no advantage/disadvantage based on "marriage." This is mainly why I support NO gay marriage...you can be gay(happy) being gay, but you don't need to be married. Mutual partnerships, absolutely, go for it.

Second, why must it be known that you are gay?! The military has a good view on this, which is "don't ask, don't tell." This means, don't ask a guy if he's gay because it looked like he was staring at another guy's balls, and don't tell anyone if you yourself stared at another guys balls!!! Seriously, it makes no difference in life if you are gay or not. Imagine this, you are at a social gathering and you start to make conversation with another man/woman, but you can't tell if they are gay because there aren't any signs(gay voice, limp wrist movement, gay slang, etc) so you don't bother, you just continue to carry on a conversation, but what if after the gathering, you are told by someone that the person you talked to ever so casually, was gay?! What would you think?! OMG?! Ya ya ya...the point is, you couldn't tell, and it didn't make a difference because they are people too!!

Third, what the hell is up with gay rights? Aren't gay people trying to defend the fact that they aren't any different from normal straight people? Well then explain to me this, why, if you are just the same as a straight person, do you need your own set of rights? The answer is you dont! At work, if someone supposedly accuses you of being gay or jokes about your gayness if you are in fact gay, don't assume that you must enforce your "gay rights," because you have none, that is called harassment, right?!

Fourth, don't use the idea that a child must be raised by both parents to be normal or "healthy." There are far many worse cases out there than a kid raised by two men who are sex partners. Shit happens man.

Fifth! Well, I could keep going on with this, but you get my point by now, right? Ah well, fuck it, my assignment is done and I don't have to see you guys anymore so I'm good.

Everyone, have a good break, a wonderful Christmas, a happy New Year, and good luck with life! I...am...OUT!!!

Adkins0790 said...

By the way guys, both of you who disagreed and criticized his point, did not agree to THE POINT! He is against MARRIAGE OF GAYS, not being gay! Come on, read man. Just because he didn't get the point out clearly doesn't mean his is flat out wrong about what he's saying, granted some I do not agree with myself. Nevertheless, the point is GAY MARRIAGE, which he is against, as am I. Are you?

Alma said...

Response to Donkey vs. Elephant commentary on gay marriage.

You said:
Children who are raised by gay parents face hardships that children with strait parents don’t.

Are you saying that children of straight parents are not picked on or teased by classmates? Kids are kids, there will always be the bullies who pick on other kids. Always, it's a part of life. It is the homophobic parents who put these ideas in their childrens heads.

You said:
Children need both a maternal and paternal influence to be healthy.

This claim is just a little ridiculous, I'm not sure how to respond. According to the 2006 census there were 12.9 million one-parents families in the United States. That is a lot of unhealthy people being raised according to your claim. I do think that two people raising a child is preferable to one person but I don't think the child would discriminate between two mommies, two daddies or a mom and dad.

You said:
One other claim that I cannot stand is that gay people are the way they are because of genetics. There are no genes that determine one’s orientation. Being gay is a choice people make for whatever reason and all choices have consequences.

Being gay is a choice huh? I don't know why anyone in their right mind would CHOOSE to be gay. I was raised in a Mormon household. I don't know if you are familiar with their teachings but like a lot of churches they believe gay people are going to hell. For a long time I believed this too. It has been a very long struggle but I've almost made it to the end, complete acceptance. I KNOW this was not my choice. It's so much harder than being straight, why would anyone choose that? Gay teens are 300 times more likely to committ suicide than straight teens. Does that mean they are happy about being gay? No. Would they be straight if they could? Probably.

You said:
I personally do not agree with gay marriage.

As an American all I want is the equal rights. This IS a civil rights issue. There have been many parallels to the African-American civil rights movement of the sixties. Jeff Jacoby of the Boston Globe writes, "For if opposing same-sex marriage is like opposing civil rights, then voters who backed Proposition 8 are no better than racists, the moral equivalent of those who turned the fire hoses on blacks in Birmingham in 1963". It wasn't very long ago that interracial couples were not allowed to marry. In 1967 in the Loving v. Virginia case, the Supreme Court ruled by a 9-0 unanimous decision that bans on interracial marriages were unconstitutional. Today would anyone think twice about two people of a different race marrying?